Senior Research Fellow, Group Leader of Cancer & Dioxin Reasearch Program, Dinh Tien Hoang Institute of Medicine
Seninor Lecturer, Immunology and Pathophysiology Department, Hanoi Medical University
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD (KaronlinskaInstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden)
Master of Science in Medicine (Hanoi Medical University)
Teaching assistant (Hanoi Medical University)
MD (Hanoi Medical University)
Zhe Zhang, Di Sun, Susanna Hilda Hutajulu, Imran Nawaz, Do Nguyen-Van, Guangwu Huang, Sofia M. Haryana, Jaap M. Middeldorp, IngemarErnberg, Li-Fu Hu. Development of a Non-Invasive Method, Multiplex Methylation Specific PCR (MMSP), for Early Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.PLoS ONE 7(11): e45908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045908.
Jamie P Nourse, Pauline Crooks, Colm Keane, D Nguyen-Van, Sally Mujaj, Nathan Ross, Kimberley Jones, Frank Vari, Erica Han, Ralph Trappe, Maher K. Gandhi. Epstein-Barr Virus microRNA are differentially expressed between histologically diverse primary EBV-positive B-cell lymphomas. J Virol Methods. 2012 Sep;184(1-2):46-54. Epub 2012 May 16.
C Keane, J P Nourse, P Crooks, Do Nguyen-Van, H Mutsando,PMollee, RA Lea, MK Gandhi. Homozygous FCGR3A-158V alleles predispose to late onset neutropenia after CHOP-R for Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. Internal Medicine. 2012 Oct;42(10):1113-9
Do Nguyen-Van, Colm Keane, Erica Han, Kimberley Jones, Jamie P. Nourse, Frank Vari, Nathan Ross, Pauline Crooks, Olivier Ramuz, Michael Green, Lyn Griffith, Ralf Trappe, Andrew Grigg, Peter Mollee, Maher K. Gandhi. Epstein-Barr virus-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the elderly expresses EBNA3A with conserved CD8+ T-cell epitopes. Am J Blood Res 2011;1(2):146-159.
Kimberley Jones, Jamie P. Nourse, Leanne Morrison, Do Nguyen-Van, Denis Moss, Scott Burrows and Maher K. Gandhi. Expansion of EBNA1-specific effector T-cells in Post-Transplantation Lymphoproliferative Disorders.Blood, 30 September 2010, Vol. 116, No. 13, pp. 2245-2252.
Nguyen-Van D, Ernberg I., Phan Thi Phi P., Almqvist J., Tran Thi C., Zeng Y.X., Hu L.F. A major EBNA1 variant in Asian EBV isolates shows enhanced transcriptional activity compared to prototype B95-8.Virus Research, 2008, 132, 15–24.
Do Nguyen-Van, Ingemar Ernberg, Phi Phan-Thi-Phi, Chinh Tran-Thi, LiFu Hu. Epstein-Barr virus genetic variation in Vietnamese patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: full-length analysis of LMP1. Virus Genes, 2008; 37: 273-81.
Zhe Zhang, Di Sun, Do Nguyen-Van, Anzhou Tang, Lifu Hu, Guangwu Huang. Inactivation of RASSF2A by promoter methylation correlates with lymph node metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Int J Cancer, 2007, Jan 1; 120 (1):32-8.
Di Sun, Zhe Zhang, Do Nguyen-Van, IngemarErnberg, Guangwu Huang, Lifu Hu. Aberrant methylation of CDH13 gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma could serve as a potential diagnostic biomarker. Oral Oncol, 2007, 43, 82-87.
Tran Thi Chinh, Nguyen Van Do, Phan thi Phi Phi et al. Detection of EBV types in tissue biopsies from NPC patients in Vietnam. Proceedings national conference on Biology, Hue, 2003, July 25-26, pp834-839.
Nguyen Van Do, Phan Thi Phi Phi et al. Detection of the 30bp deleted mutation in Cterminus of LMP1 gene from Vietnamese NPC patients, proceedings national conference on Biology, Hue, July 25-26,2003,440-445.
Nguyen Van Do, Phan thi Phi Phi,Tran thi Chinh, Engenar Ernberg, Lifu Hu. Variation of clonal in Vietnamese, Chinese NPC patients and healthy blood donors. Proceedings national conference on molecular biology and biochemistry, 2003, October 22-24, pp119-124.
Areas of Interest
Cell and Tumor Biology, focusing on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and host cellular aspects of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma(DLBCL)
Cancer and Dioxin